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Pilsner Urquell - Moser Glasworks


Pilsner Urquell


Auction bottle


Matyáš Fára


Radim Střelka


09 / 2020



Auction Bottles for Centrum Paraple

Pilsner Urquell teamed up with designer Michal Froněk (Olgoj Chorchoj studio) and Moser Glassworks to create unique beer bottles to raise money for paraplegic centre Paraple.

The charity project Auction Bottles for Centrum Paraple has been organized by Pilsner Urquell since 2012. Every year, profits from the auction go to Centrum Paraple, which can enhance and extend services for people with spinal cord injuries thanks to Pilsner Urquell Auction Bottles. So far, auctions of Auction Bottles have generated more than 11 million CZK.

Cooperation, help, and kindness of people have become a representative symbol of this year's theme. Consequently, the production of the auction bottle follows this spirit. Pilsner Urquell approached Michal Froňek, co-founder of the Olgoj Chorchoj design studio, to create this year's auction bottles. When designing the auction bottles, he was inspired by the values ​​that stood at the birth of Pilsner lager and are very prevailing even at this time.

The motto of this year's auction bottles is "cooperation", which is a fundamental condition for success, whether it is the production of beer, design items, or the solution of unforeseen situations we face nowadays.

Just hit us with what you need and we will make it work!