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O2 - Zvedni se






Jakub Švejkar


09 / 2016

The Brief

We were approached by the Nadace O2 foundation to create two short spots for their SmartUp project campaign. This project offers young people who come up with a creative idea of how to change their evironment for the better to join a competition where they can eventually be rewarded by the funds needed for the realization of their project.

The Solution

The goal of the spots was to give the viewer the feeling of a boring atmosphere while keeping him entertained and motivated to watch the whole video. In one shot it was important to work with interesting scenography which would catch the viewer´s attention and give him the idea of the heroes´ personalities and the bored state of mind that they are in. Sound design was of no less importance - if paying close attention to the sound the viewer catches various jokes which help to keep the almost one minute long videos interesting. We also used a real-life sign to highlight the pop-up banners that were eventually used on Youtube to redirect to the project website.

By combining both scenography, sounddesign and the actors´ actions we created a spot which fulfills its aim - it is entertaining despite being quite long and while watching the viewers stay curious to see.

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